First Dear Quilting Friends, I hope your Memorial Day Holiday is a time for sharing with family and friends. The holiday has long been the front door to Summer. And while we fire up the grills and open our pools let us remember the real reason for this holiday. We are able to celebrate Memorial Day because brave souls fought for freedom and died so that we live in a free country.
Ok now let me apologize for being lost in space here. I had great plans for last week but I have Shingles on my face. It is close to my right eye. My vision was compromised and the computer screen was too annoying to use. Such a nasty condition, I have been too exhausted to do much more than think, and that was a bit of a struggle! I am healing well with appropriate treatment. This is my second experience, this one much more manageable because I recognized right away what was happening and had antiviral treatment within 24 hours. For this, I am thankful. I should be able to go out again in the next week.
A lovely blog by Ann. |
My garden is very limited this year. The raised beds are going and I am confined to containers. I am resigned.
Last years herbs. |
I am hopeful that the containers will be as prolific although I am skeptical. Time will tell. Have a great week end.