Spring is Here and So Are the Projects from The Ladies of the Cloth!

Our Tuesday gathering of The Ladies of the Cloth show and tell was one treat after another! I will share in several posts...it is that good!
Member Barb shared her most recent machine in-the-hoop embroidery project, isn't this cute?
Here is the second example, do you remember the bunny wearing eye glasses? Ha! We are fortunate that our Baby Lock dealer offers many opportunities to learn all the functions of our machines. Everything from in-store classes, specialty national teachers, an off-site venue for multiple day sessions and sea cruises!

Mary Jane shared her most recent mini quilt for donation. 
Using sweet little juvenile prints she made the standard 36 x 36 inch center panel and a two inch border. It will be donated to the Linus project to be quilted.
80 of these sanitary supplies for the ladies in Kenya will be shipped out soon from our group.
The finished product is washable and reusable. With each project we learn a few little tips to make the construction easier and the final product more attractive. Mary Jane has worked hard to coordinate this project.
  • Not every project needs to be the "Masterpiece" quilt. I think I am most happy when making service quilts that will be used and used and washed until threadbare. 
  • So many worthy projects, so many kind and generous friends I have.
  • Today, I sat in warm sunshine with a cup of tea watching Miss Lola run around the garden. The robins were busy building nests and the birdsong was mesmerizing. Spring has sprung, at least for today!
