Color My World-Online Course with Nicci Brazzel

My Blues
Color theory is a simple but at the same time very complex subject for me. I have visited and revisited the concepts over and over. Lighting plays a huge part in color perception that is true, but being comfortable with my choices is not something I grasp. Yet. I am fortunate to be surrounded by very experienced quilters who have amazing color sense. I have taken bits and pieces to my Tuesday gathering many times for opinion and suggestion.
The lights with blue.
I have been collecting blues for a couple years now. On vacation and shopping occasions I would pick up a blue now and then. Years ago I saw the most glorious blue and white quilt with pops of yellow and another with pops of a coral color. I was smitten. Thus, the collection of the blues.
Many blues, different hues, different values.
The quilt I have in mind is very simple squares, that is what makes it so charming to me. It's simplicity is a reminder of the quilts made by a Grandmother who inspired me.
Creative color wheel, side 1
side 2
another wheel, side 1
side 2
  I've been playing with these and many aspects make perfect sense. In the online course we are exploring many aspects of color, contrast etc.
This one is very interesting. *All wheels available on Amazon, some might be available in your local quilt and art shops.
This project is a work in progress. When I nail down a pattern and choose the final colors you will be the first to know. 

Color Theory by Nicci Brazzell on Facebook, no charge. 
I am going to attribute the wonky blocks (that finish 3/4 inch square) to St. Patrick's Day tea. I don't imbibe so that is my excuse and I am sticking to it!💥
  • Today I worked on little itty-bitty blocks for a mini-quilt, what a fail! I haven't done mini-blocks for years, obviously,  I need lots more work!
  • Construction zone here the mud is taking over, just saying!
  • Studio is a mess, I am a messing worker lately, trying to do too much in a short period of time.
