Quack, Quack!

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This little sign sort of mirrors my sewing life lately!  I am feeling better, plan to park in front of a machine this week end. Today I am off to seek inspiration and education. Dear friend is picking me up and we are headed to our favorite machine/quilt shop for a little class using the embroidery function on our machine. It has been quite a while since I have done much of anything , before the holidays actually, so any stimulation will be appreciated!

I have a couple friends from nursing school who have chosen a text that they want embroidered on T shirts! I have to see if I can fit it all in that space❤

  • please remember to dehydrate, over heated homes contribute to the problem.
  •  please remember to wash your hands frequently. this cold and flu season is ramping up and door knobs, grocery carts, other hands are loaded with germs just waiting to come live with you!
  • touch base with an old friend, everyone likes human interaction, even those you haven't seen or talked with in some time. 
  • be careful when donating to all those Go-Fund-Me things popping up on social media,, not all of them are honest. 
  • pick up a little bundle of fresh flowers at the market, they will brighten your day and bring a little sunshine to a dreary day!
