My Goal for 2019, A Gentle Domestic Life

From French Vintage Home, HERE!

I suspect we each define that concept differently. Jenny is planning to use a book of inspiration titled "The Gentle Art of Domesticity" by Jane Brocket. At home in the UK, Jane is well educated and well traveled. She reveals, chapter by chapter, how she interprets that life. My greatest gift from others and to myself is a good book, or two. This Winter I have picked up some new cook books. Rather different from my typical genre, I am branching out but I am keeping it simple, comforting and domestic. In addition, I was fortunate to find Jane's book on Ebay for a fraction of the new cost. Published in 2007, it was labeled "almost new." Quite frankly even though it is "used" I don't think it was ever opened. I felt the need to have the paper in front of me to reference in order to gain the best experience of following Jenny's project. A quick glance through the book shows intuitive thoughts on how to balance one's life and interests. Everything from family integrity to knitting, quilting, cooking and baking is addressed. I was a little disappointed that patterns are not included for most of the projects but references are available. I am considering that this will be a starting point, not a road map. 

To cultivate this I have few personal rules. I want to reduce my computer time. I have already sorted out blogs I follow and incessant emails from retailers etc. I have also decided that when the hubs is getting all ramped up on political debate I will exit the room. These two actions will provide significant stress relief.
   While I like looking at the snow, I prefer to sit by the fire with a cup of tea and a good book and/or a little project. Welcome Winter 2019, I will be ready.

  • Quite frankly, I will be glad to close the book on this year.  There were a few really good events, of course, but a fresh start is always welcome. Just like elementary school in my day. A new tablet and a new pencil and the promise of a brighter future!
  • I want my later personal Winter of life, to be filled with curiosity, learning and sharing. Not ever content to sit by and be a simple observer I want to be the one whose children roll their eyes when they hear of my antics. 
  • I am destined to be resting for the next two weeks so the brain is on over-time. 
  • Have a nice week end. Bake some little treat for your morning coffee break. I have spent years searching cookbooks, online recipe sites and questioning friends for a specific recipe. It was one of my Mother's. Actually, the first "cake" she ever let me make and bake on my own. The name was Cowboy Coffee Cake. Would you believe that a lady in one of my Facebook groups picked up a Better Homes and Gardens Cookbook from the early 1950's and she checked it for me. It was there! She sent it to me, it is on the agenda for tomorrow. Now that dear friends is a Gentle Domestic home run!
