Let's Try This Again!

Christmas is coming, ready or not!

Image may contain: sky, cloud, outdoor and nature

The blog was compromised. The links would have directed you to pornography sites. That is gone, all is safe now, do these people have nothing better to do? Just wondering.

OK, now just let me say that all this intrusion nonsense on Christmas week is ridiculous. Nothing has happened for three days so I changed some settings, blocked some pathways and did three umbrella twirls. I think that will work for a while but I never know when another intruder will surface.

We are likely to have a brown Christmas. Not that I am keen on shoveling but it all seems rather drab. Today is MIL's 96th birthday. We are on our way to the home soon. She says she will make it till 102, just so we are informed. 

Mr. Sewtopia is wrapping the last of the gifts. I don't like to do that anymore. He is better at it anyway.

  • FYI-starting January 1 The Simple Abundance Facebook Group will go live and start the project. Background: in 1995 Sarah Ban Breathnach published a remarkable little book on how to live your best life and be grateful for the world around you.
  • This is a journaling project, it will last one year. Many of us still have our books and have done this project more than once or twice. The books are still available on Amazon and E Bay. If you have a Kindle or Nook you can also get them there. A companion journal of your choosing will be used to record your impressions and actions related to the daily essays. I am the moderator for the group. If you are interested and have a Facebook account please leave a comment here or email me at kczkws4@aol.com. I will send invitations out for the group the week after Christmas. The group is closed, invitation only, and private. We have quite a few people already. It is an interesting self study. Enjoy the pre-Christmas chaos, I know I sure do. Right.Simple Abundance: A Daybook of Comfort of Joy by [Breathnach, Sarah Ban]
