A Week of Celebration, The End of the Year

Image may contain: house, tree, plant, sky and outdoor
I suspect that I am not alone when looking back on the year and wondering how time can pass so quickly! I've had worse years, much worse. This one was a mixed bag of sorts but all in all a year that has strengthened my resolve to spend more time sewing. 

How many of us make a promise to ourselves to do just that, more time to sew, quilt, knit....whatever... and fall short, regularly? It is a work in progress surely but I am more determined than ever. Time flies and I have been grounded for several months. A good grounding of sorts, Miss Lola keeps me very busy but truly she a delight. 

  • I have been sorting through the UFO's, there are still too many and I am determined to get to at least a few of them!
  • I have a few more storage areas to examine, there may be more donate worthy items in there.  
  • I want to do more experimenting with recipes, I am tired of the same old things, thus a few new inspirational cook books arrived for Christmas.
  • I want to make more time for friends, we all get so busy and delay our get together dinners lately....that needs to change. 
  • Travel more, Mondo is ready, so am I, Lola...well, the jury is still out on that one. Anti-emetics will likely be required for her majesty.
  • Maintain my commitment to the Simple Abundance-Gratuity Journal Project 2019. I have completed it twice, I found it to be so enlightening and I was a better person for having done it. If you care to join, have an active Facebook page, I can add you. If you are not already"friends" with me, please enter my full name (Cheryll Emanuel Kaczkowski) into the search bar and proceed to friend request. That's all there is to it. Please know that I am checking your timeline and about pages on Facebook. The recent intrusions have left me very cautious. 
 In closing I want to thank everyone who visits and contributes to Sewtopia, your creative spirit is what keeps me doing this after 10 years. May your New Year be blessed with good times, happy and healthy family and good fortune. 

