A work in progress, hope to have it finished by Christmas but we are lagging a bit, just so you know 😒
Planning for the year to come I have have some new ideas! First is an old idea, the parts are now in place. In a country sort-of-Victorian style I am making a Handkerchief quilt. Yes, you heard that right. My plan follows some ideas I have accumulated on Pinterest, You Tube, etc. The darling, unused handkerchiefs will be quilted to white fine muslin squares, I may do these on the Destiny, again, I have ideas. There is one pre-loaded design function in IQ that I used in a workshop about a year ago. It took some time for the stitch outs but the designs are really nice...if I can resize them. I didn't like the fabric from the work shop so they went to someone who did but the idea is good.
Laugh not my pretties, this little sit-about looks a lot like Lola! At the end of the post is a link to a cute little video that reminded me of how fascinated I have always been with sheep. |
I share this not to shock but to inform. This is not the wild west, it is not the high desert, it is suburban Pittsburgh.
Another idea. This one has been on the back burner, forever. But I am committed this time. I do not use the word "committed" lightly. I have been collecting blues and off-whites for some time. I need more but that is my plan for the "Love the Log" quilt.
This die is from the Accu-Quilt line, I have had it for at least a year. It is still available. Nice little directions on the inside wrapper. This is a big die, it cuts the entire block x 2 on one pass with the cutter. Mine is the Go, not electric. I am trying to build up the muscles in my cranking arm 😀
We have never permitted dogs to be on the furniture. This is what happens when you get older, have no grandchildren and a very head strong dog. Miss Lola, 5 1/2 months.
- I have lost the USB transfer cord from my camera. I know, what a pain. The camera is several years old and I will do one more house search before I pronounce it gone.
- I have several good photo's to share on there.
- I may have to break down and use the fancy camera. Heavy around the neck, too many buttons and do-dads. It is a learning thing, you know, and I am getting lazy. I am not a photographer. Just not.
wooly-ay bull-ay My favorite is the ginger colored alpacca!