6 Months Ago...................

On this date,  6 months ago, Lola entered my life. Everything, and I mean just about everything changed! Quilting and sewing has been on hold mostly because she is a busy bee💓
Here she is, on our way home in a laundry basket. 8 lbs, slept the whole way. 8 weeks, 8 pounds!
Image may contain: dog, living room and indoor
6 months later, guess who rules the roost? 41.5 lbs, loves to sit on Dad's lap and watch television. Our favorite saying, It's a good thing she's cute!!! Still, very little sewing!

No matter how I arrange or rearrange the sewing space she will find something to investigate. Since she is half poodle and half golden retriever, she is always "retrieving!" After the holiday I plan to start a new regimen, she will need to be crated for an hour or so every afternoon so that I can get some work done!

So that leads me to the goal of this post. I want to wish all my friends, family and faithful readers a very Happy Thanksgiving. Since my Canadian friends have already celebrated I wish for them another holiday, I give permission!

This is a special day for me for many reasons. My Older Son is the cook! I add pies, cakes and macaroni salad (that was a special request, not typical Thanksgiving fare!) and I get to enjoy the company at his house. He and his girlfriend have made a good life for themselves and I am so glad that he is happy. That is my "thankful." Our lives have been decimated over the last few years but now I think it will be OK. Not what we expected but far better than many.    

On that note, Thanksgiving Blessings to all and I will check back at the end of the week. I do not do the sales, ever.  
