Tick-Tock, Humor and Hiatus

Where Lola and I start our daily Constitutional.
Leaves are coming down in Sewtopia. Lots of Cubanelle peppers to be picked and pickled. The last of the herbs, sage, parsley, chives, need to be picked and dried. New outdoor carpet needs to be fitted and laid to the back porch. I had to toss the one that was there, only for two seasons, because we had so much rain and dampness this year I was dealing with a creeping mildew. No way, gone. A few other seasonal projects to deal with as well. That said, it is time for my Fall Hiatus. There is just not enough time or energy to do it all anymore. Lola and I will be off line for a week or so. In the mean time, a few little giggles!
They should have named me Curly Joe!

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seen on Facebook!
  •   We live in an area that is dangerous with ticks. Deer ticks specifically. I have lots of deer here. Guess what, getting dressed yesterday for Church I found one, just beginning his journey into my skin and quickly pulled him out! I didn't even feel it there. If it had been on another part of my body I likely would have missed it. This one landed on my chest, right girl actually.  It left a tiny prick where it was burrowing and it is slightly red. Not big red, no bulls eye. I am keeping an eye though. Always something, you know, always somethingšŸ’„


ELMO said…
What a face on that Lola!!! How do you keep her fur so clean and fluffy?