Hello Fall. 80+ degrees today, 50's by Wednesday, welcome to Pennsylvania!
Do you remember these blocks? They are the ones I named the charm jumble. Left over charm squares from a couple fabric collections, made into half square triangles. I made them into a runner of sorts but also tested it on the back of a leather chair. Who knows, not sure where it will end up. |
I simply used the wobble stitch on my Destiny to quilt the layers and used a left over 1 1/2 inch strip of black fabric for the binding.
In a recent discussion with a group of quilters we were having fun trying to remember all these well used acronyms. A newly formed group of quilters, they are filled with enthusiasm and projects in their future. Representing all age groups, they are all levels of skill and talent and want to advance the art via their combined efforts. | | |

Another part of the conversation leaned to "orphan" blocks or test blocks. When I am dealing with a pattern that has a lot of pieces I always make a test block. I have a few sitting around in storage bins and now and then I get the urge to do something with them. I think I have showed this one before but the story is the same. Quite frankly, didn't like the fabric (it was all cut to finish the entire quilt) not sure why, just don't. Separately, many of them aren't so bad but cut up in all these little pieces No. It is also designed by someone who is well respected in the industry, just not my style. Good enough to sit outside on a rocking chair.
Odd piece of fabric for the back, simple zipper.
- It sure gets dark early.
- I really don't care for that.
- I just finished a second book by Kristen Hannah, The Nightingale. It was amazing. Large and amazing.
- The deprivations of war, I hope we never know again. Ever.
- Things are changing, Summer will soon give way to Fall. Leaves are turning, turn over a new leaf, inhale the scent of of the season.
Fungus among us! |