Fair-Fairness-Whine, Whine, Whine!

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Modern conversations and attitudes seem to have regressed a bit. Lets say (IMO) that no one over the age of 9 should being using the word fair to imply lack of equity. The synonyms of just, equitable, honest, upright, honorable, trustworthy might be better suited for adult conversations.

As soon as I hear "It is not fair..." coming from the mouth of an adult my skin crawls! 

I belong to a group that sew garments. We are all ages. We are all different levels of experience. However, in this polarizing culture I am hearing that word more often. A recent conversation was dedicated to the beautiful dress made by a lovely member in a style very typical of the 1950's but fabricated with modern fabric and design lines. A Dior New Style dress. It was fitted so well. Most of us stated that we wish certain elements of ladies clothing would return to modern style. Some modesty, something other than Yoga pants, tank tops with bra straps hanging out and way too much skin and curve exposed. One member stated categorically that we were not being....fair in our opinions. What? She felt that by praising the work that was done and shared was a negative statement about her and her generation. She said real Ladies were not judgemental and critical.  We were accused of slagging her style. Well tootsie, we were not even discussing you. We were discussing the lady and her beautiful dress. (I had to look up slagging in the Urban dictionary:  A term used to explain when someone is talking behind someone's/your back.)
Excusez-moi? I know....it's just not FAIR! I agree with you. 
Disclaimer: it is rare for me to go to exasperation on this blog 
but this was all a bit too much. I'm supposed to be on a break. 💨 
