Good evening dear readers. Just wanted to pop in to say hello. I am in full nurse mode here. Husband had his total knee replacement, is doing well, but if you know about the recovery process from this surgery you know that a caregiver is essential. Two other family members require my assistance and I am doing my best. As a result, the machines are idle, I mean dead in the water .... but hopefully not for long. Tomorrow is another day. After I do my Meals-On-Wheels duty ( tell me how you can pay an outrageous amount of money for a supposedly high class personal care facility and the food is on the verge of garbage, I mean horrid! Who feeds a hundred elderly men and women with dental issues, digestive problems and dexterity problems chicken wings...for lunch! I will be talking to someone ASAP--- PS: my family member is the youngest in the facility, only 59 but she won't eat them either) Tomorrow I am hoping to get that quilt basted. I know.... don't rush into it right? So, in a few days I'll visit again. Have a lovely week end, we have been promised warm air and sunshine but we all know, sometimes they lie. ![]() | |
I remember a spare bedroom, in my Grandmother's house where the cousins and I would stay on our "Summer Vacations. " They lived in a big old four square house located in Scenery Hill, Pa. right along Historic Route 40. It was the highlight of our Summers. This particular room was at the top of the stairs, first door on the left. A smallish room, it also had the doorway to the attic where you had to step up two steps, open the little door to access the attic steps. There was a double bed in that room, against the wall and a little cot-like bed on the other end of the room against the wall with an imposing dark wood dresser with curved from drawers and a crackled mirror in between. |
I know I have shown this fabric and lace in the past, some time ago. It reminded me of Liberty Lawn when I bought it without the price tag. I think it was about $8.00 per yard rather than $25.00!
A nice little starter project for beginning Sewists, these are quick to make but develop some basic skills for the advancement of the craft. Also a nice little gift for the infirm or home bound, they brighten any room where they reside and for the older ladies where their memories are the content of their days. (can you tell I am dealing with infirm family members in nursing homes and at home?) we go.