This is What Gives Facings a Bad Name!

  ***I have closed the link to the Wardrobe Project at Sewtopia Studio for now. I barely have time to write and edit one blog, certainly not two. I will divide the WP posts so that you can skim past them if you choose. If you care to read that Post, just click on the link within the first paragraph at the page break. Ok? Thanks.

See what I mean, flopping in the breeze!๐Ÿ’ฅ

Even in higher end ready to wear sleepwear there are flaws. Number one being floppy facings. This three piece PJ set (top, pants, jacket) were a gift from the hubs, he paid way too much. The fabric is lovely and comfortable. But the jacket with its asymmetrical tie closure has long facings down the front on both sides forming the shawl collar.  They are only attacked at the back neckline! Flop and fold and fuss and fidget....that is what I did the entire time I wore it. Two times, then I set it on a shelf to be repaired at some date. 

Center back neckline, stitching to run 5/8th from the edge to secure.

I pressed and pinned the facing to the Jacket front and decided to stitch a run 5/8th inch from the edge to secure the tendency of the facing to roll. Then I stitched the entire facing from neck to hem about   one and a half inches from the edge of the facing.    
 Now the collar and front are secure and don't separate and flow around, but, as a seamstress I would have added just a tiny bit of a very light-weight mesh interfacing before attaching the shawl collar. 
 The closure is formed by a little inside tie that secures the left to the right then this little button and loop closes the panels. 
B5963 has the same type of closure.....mmmm....I have ideas forming! 
  •   I'm not too bad at multitasking but I need to reduce the projects going on I hardly have time to sew let alone time to document the whole business! ๐Ÿ˜’ 
  • I would like to still document each project and process so this is my compromise. For now. ๐Ÿ˜„
  • I need so much more practice on my machines, I have gone a bit rusty with nothing but quilting and so little time. ๐Ÿ‘‡
  • So, well try this for a while. I need to buy more straight pins. I have so many already at work in quilt blocks that I don't have enough for regular old sewing! ๐Ÿ‘ธSuperwoman is taking a break.
