I know I am not the only person wondering where the month of October went! 😉Are we all so busy that time has become a fleeting commodity that we no longer can define? Or are we just taking time for granted with retirement. Because many days are open-ended (my term) that we (I) can make what ever needs to be done into the time alloted?
You all know I am an apron person. Mine tend to be basic chef or tabbard, with at least two large pockets. Not everyone is a plain jane like me. Here is an example that might tickle your apron fantasy.
That said, many of us are making gifts right now. A nice new apron for the holidays is always welcome in my circle of sewing friends. This one was a birthday gift. One of the Ladies the Cloth members, Terri, made this one.
One of my favorite aspects of this one is the criss-cross back straps. I have become less and less tolerant of the apron's weight being supported solely by my neck. Straps like this minimize that effect.
Our model today is Kay, Terri needed a size model and Kay fit the bill!😇What a trooper.
The pocket detail on this one is so stink'in cute too! Can you see the flower pocket? Thanks for sharing Terri!
Personally, I think the kitchen is one of those places that can always use a little fabric enhancement. From curtains and placemats to tea towels and table cloths, it is a great background for a little stitched project. Check out the one below..........

Tea Towel Tutorial Courtesy of the Fort Worth Fabric Studio! An online only fabric store, their selection is outstanding and creative sense just right for today's beautiful fabrics! (no affiliation)