You Know You Are A Quilter When........

this blog is driving me nuts! this post shows nowhere on my create platform, not in draft or publish, gone. did show up in my email. I may need a little nip of sherry for this one!


Posted: 13 Sep 2017 06:10 AM PDT
As Summer is winding down, I am looking at a few projects that I want to finish before the cold weather hits. My Fall projects are small this year, Christmas looms.  The quilt is my first Jelly Roll Race (I think) the pillow is a vintage embroidered piece from husband's aunt.
On my morning walk I came upon a Pyracantha bush, a transplant from my Mother, that I thought was lost. I noticed the color first, climbed the hill and there she was, well, what was left of her. The deer have been busy.
I gather from the evidence there that the turkeys have been roosting in the area, they deny it but a feather is a feather!
I am hoping to get some Studio time in today, I have a new project to show you.

Words of Wisdom:

You know you are a quilter measure time by bobbins!  I read this little quote on Facebook the other day and had to laugh, it is true! When I am working I say to myself....."I do one bobbin then I'll make dinner" or "one bobbin then I'll go to bed!" Know what I mean?

My quilting machine uses an M Class Bobbin, I need a bigger one!
