The Unfinished Projects......UFO's

During this down time I have been sorting through the collection of projects that have been caught in the stop and go cycle of my quilting life. Remember this one? I think it has been in limbo for at least 4 years. Not sure why. I like the Kaffe fabrics, the pattern is OK, but for some reason it has stalled, relegated to its own little bin waiting for an opportunity to come out and play. I think it is because I found something else that caught my attention and I took it off the design wall. Speaking of that.... it is torn down, folded up and tucked away. The machine is also gone, upgraded to the Coronet. Loved that machine but the stress of moving the fabric was getting to be too much for my aching joints.

I am not alone, of this I am certain. A recent email discussed the problem and how we can address it. The National Quilters Circle Group has an interesting article about just this subject. I know, beyond a doubt, that I will always have UFO's but I want to join in the beginning of the year movements that deal with this quilters dilemma.  So that is my plan, in 2018 I will focus on 6 UFO's. I cannot do it now, I am still working on Fall and Christmas. Have you started making plans for 2018 yet? I call that optimistic.

These already quilted panels are waiting patiently for their own little box. I am sure I heard some rumbling coming from there....."what's going on?" "we are supposed to be in he motor home and on our way!" "where is she???"

I did manage to get these blocks cut, in fact I slipped and sliced one up. The rest went into their box too because the plan was for 12 blocks, not 11. A new plan is required.
I started making some Fall themed kitchen towels. I have no idea where this is! Did I finish it? Did I give it away? Who knows.

For the week ahead:
  • one last row of embroidered stitches on the candle mat, apply binding, finish binding
  • make scrap binding for "stackers" quilt that I have named Rosita. I will explain that soon. Attach and finish binding on that one.
  • Cut and dry the garden herbs. No small feat I might add. As in the past I will make my Thanksgiving baskets for friends and family. These include an assortment of my organically grown dried herbs. 
  • Layer and load one of the finished quilt tops onto the Coronet. Need to hit the quilt store for some batting.
In the meantime, if you haven't seen this You Tube video of Ollie dancing to Don't be Cruel just click on the link. It is perfect for a Monday! 
Ollie ***he actually picks up the down beat while this missus gives him dirty looks and actually tries to push him away!  Love that bird!
