Hello New Subscribers

While I am busy unearthing the Easter decorations I wanted to pop in and say hello and welcome to the new viewers and subscribers to this blog. Your interest is what keeps me doing this after 10 years. Hard to believe but the original Corinne in Sewtopia was started 10 years ago....with 17 viewers. I was thrilled then and over whelmed today.

I am fortunate to meet like minded souls in public forums and classes. Today we spent 3 hours playing with free motion quilting and learning how to use templates and rulers. My main goal was to learn how to make a decent feather. Well, surprise, surprise, they are still not so good. I just can't seem to get it. The solution? Templates. Yes and I will be sharing my template journey soon.

  •  The rulers and templates are manufactured by Westelee Quilting Templates and Rulers. I only bought one long straight line ruler for the sit-down long arm but I bought a whole magilla of them for the Destiny. Had great fun giving them a try and enjoying the company of other ladies who were as taken with them as I was. 
  • Our class was taught by Cathy Brown of California. She arrived just in time for the cold Winter weather. She is a trooper. 
