Betty Jane is wrapping up the work on this beautiful quilt. I hope the colors translate on your screen because it is so well done. It will be entered in this years Three Rivers Quilt Guild show. This is a big girl, 100 inches by 100 inches! |
Let me set the stage here. It is February 24th in Western Pennsylvania. It is 6:30 pm, it is still light outside and temperature is 76 degrees! How about that? The entire week has been very warm and Spring-like, fine by me.
Quilted on her Viking machine. |
Our Tuesday gathering of the
Ladies of the Cloth was particularly memorable with some beautiful projects shared among the ladies. While transferring files to this new computer I spent some time viewing the many quilts made by my friends and posted here. Even I was amazed and the number and the diversity of the offerings.
Each inner border reflects one of the primary colors in the blocks. |
Another angle. |
Beautiful and varied quilting patterns. |
Close up. |
Close up. |
I just heard a weather report that predicted possible thunderstorms tonight. Good grief, no wonder I get confused :)