I'm Seeing Red, Redwork That Is!

Still basking in the exhaustion that comes with the Holidays, I have been thinking ahead for a new project for my friends at the Ladies of the Cloth. In the middle of Winter I think it is fun to have a little gift exchange with a Valentine theme. At one time I belonged to another group that made this an annual fete. We had great fun exchanging little gifts. A little pin cushion, needle book or the like is perfect for expressing friendship with stitching. I will need to propose my idea at our next gathering.

The above quilt has been seen here before. I made this in the mid-nineties. It was my first large Redwork project. I had no clue what I was going to do with the blocks when finished. I bought the patterns at a quilt show years ago. I hand quilted it at the time using a large bentwood hoop. I did have great fun but my quilting stitches are rather rudimentary and the density is uneven here and there. Each motif is echo quilted.  At one time I had considered adding more quilting to those areas that were a bit sparse and decided not to. It is what it is and it will stay that way.  Redwork has been a favorite of needle workers for many years. I have done quite a bit in the past and still enjoy the almost mindless progress one makes while stitching motifs in Turkey Red floss or pearle.

What do you think?
Have you done any Redwork?
Do I need one more project?
Cayman 077
As seen on a Facebook link here!
Happy New Year!
