Dressing These Days, The Sewist and the Challenges for 2017

The start of the New Year brings resolutions and lofty goals. I try not to get carried away because I know that it is an exercise in futility. That brings me to 2015 and the Wardrobe Project. Life really got in the way for me and by March, not happening. I haven't given up but I have modified the plan for this year.

I was recently reminded about how dismayed I am by the state of dress in the country. I know that some cannot understand my feelings about this but it is what it is. For example, poorly fitted trousers on a lady that reveals everything, I mean everything. My question to her should have been..."doesn't that hurt?" And the very snug thin T shirt with giant logo's plastered across the chest, has this lady looked int he mirror prior to leaving the house? OK, I'm done wit the mini-rant but it leads me to the benefits of sewing for oneself and proper fitting. As a Sewist, we can do this!

Right now many sewing challenges are surfacing in Blogland. Many are sponsored by sewing machine retailers and others by fabric manufacturers. My favorites are those sponsored by individual bloggers.

That brings me back to the Wardrobe Project. I noticed that posts from last year that were part of that challenge have been very popular the last couple weeks. That tells me that all the work I put into that project was not lost and others can take that information and use it for their purpose. I am glad. So for general information let me say that there were 26 individual posts starting 11/15/15 until 3/13/16. By tapping the blog archive application on the right side of the blog you can access those posts or just type Wardrobe Project into the search box.
V8732, Misses' Jacket and Belt
I will have my own personal Project in the background and post the progress as it occurs. If you have any questions please email me and I will try to answer them and help you. 

Re-reading Jennifer Scott's Madame Chic books have reaffirmed my belief in keeping the faith. 
After reading this article I know that I am not alone Dressing Down, Kerry Folan.
Check out the 2017 Make Nine Challenge.

Have a wonderful week end. Take some time for yourself. It is going to be a good year.
