The evening stitcher. Since darkness still falls early in January, I am always looking for a hand-work project to keep me busy while Mr. watches his television programs. It's not that I don't appreciate river monsters and how to catch them but I know that I can accomplish something while I learn! |
This cross-stitch project for example has been at rest for a while in its own little keeper. The name of the pattern is "Patti Dovecoat" by Kathy Barrick. It is simple and sweet. A little sampler to frame or finish into a mini-pillow. I will decide when it is finished. At this point it is a little less than half done. I do need supplemental light these days to see the pattern and the thread count! |
To make the project portable it is kept in its own little book with all supplies needed. While I had my tires rotated and oil changed the other day Patti Dovecoat came along. We passed the time effortlessly.
- I am enjoying a bit of cross-stitch now and then. I used to always have a piece in progress but when quilting entered Sewtopia, many other past-times went to the back burner. That was 20 years ago.
- I like to have each project nestled in its own keeper. A needle book, a re-purposed cookie tin or a small make up case all work well.
- I keep all my precious threads, DMC, Valdani, silks and wool etc. in their own cases and out of sunlight and dust.
- A case for everything and everything in its case, that's me!