Mt Ranier in Fabric

Working in miniature is a signature style of this maker. Rose is beyond talented. I have shown some of her work here over the years. This one is really special.
This photograph was the starting point for this little quilt.
Here she is. Many fabrics, in fastidious order define the elements of the picture.

Look at these tiny little blocks!

After studying the piece the maker, Rose, changed a few of the blocks. While I cannot compare I think this one looks just fine!


ELMO said…
A study in textures, how little is this quilt?
celkalee said…
I will email the maker and get the answer. I forgot to ask. It is small, each block is about 1 inch.
celkalee said…
The picture portion is 18x21 and with borders it may finish about 26x29 inches. It might 'take up' some in quilting and I may trim some in squaring up before binding. So those are rough measurements. It is slow going because I am hand quilting and half the back side is the quarter inch seams. The square unit is finished at 1/2 inch.