The Clean-Up, Clear-Out

Found this on a tree stump after climbing the hill on our constitutional. Lucy couldn't care less. I think it is beautiful!
Good glory golly be! Said Chester to Matt Dillon. Tell me where this month has gone? I have been stitching away on 9 patch blocks but quite frankly, that's about it. I have great plans, yes I do. I have been organizing. I have been cleaning and sorting out the studio space. After a couple projects in a row things get pretty tossed but the semi-annual clean-up clear-out seems to take even longer. I have a friend, who doesn't sew, but wants to sew, wants an embroidery machine but just can't handle it right now. To her goes the Viking #1+. The Viking 990 has already gone to my Son, The Singer 99 hand crank has gone to a wonderful home and now I am thinking the Vintage Singer Rockateer will be the next to go. Love that machine but never use it anymore. That is a shame. She wants to work, to do, to create. She has been serviced and is pristine, sews well, has all her cams etc. If you are interested, please email me for a price. We can negotiate. I paid a lot for her, I will accept less if you are interested and would give her a good home. The Featherweight, the Handi-Quilter, the Felter and the Ovation and Janome sergers will stay. Unity is going to be replaced with Destiny.  Did I mention I have plans???

The crew here is promising me more sewing time. We will see. As soon as I can clear a spot it will post the 9 patches................until then, sew among yourselves.

I've got a mushroom thing going on.


What a neat mushroom! I have to admit I thought it was a cabbage flower at first, LOL. I know what you mean about too many sewing machines. I have 3 I use and way too many others that I should do something with.