When I began my serious quilting career I was determined to do one project at a time, purchase the needed fabrics for only two projects at a time. We all know how that worked out. Croak! Croak!
I have good reasons for why it didn't work out as planned. Let me share.
- When I see fabulous fabric I know, without a doubt, that I need to acquire it right then because it will not be there when I return. Sometimes I hit my favorite shops only once a month or so. Now, that is planned, and I admit that I am weak around fabric. But I also know from experience that I need to get that 'perfect' fabric then.
Now could you walk away from this? Really? - Since my studio time is limited I need to prep ahead so that I can make the best use of my time. Therefore, I set up work-boxes with the fabric, directions or pattern, needed templates etc. ahead in organized lidded plastic storage boxes.
McCoy is as enchanted with this little bundle as I was! - I get bored. I can work on three different projects in any given day because my attention span is getting shorter. Right now I am working on a tumbler quilt, a 9 patch project and a block of the month quilt. (I am waaaaay behind on that one!)
And just look at this destined to be an Apron fabric! Cute, cute, cute! - Just as I prepare for Winter by stocking up the cupboards and freezer for inclement weather, I stock the studio with enough fabric (and then some) to keep me occupied in case of a zombie apocalypse! You never know, you know?
Another pile of 9 patch blocks waiting to be pressed, I think we are at 97 now. A few minutes a day is working out quilters, the pile is growing.
- The Ladies of the Cloth quilting group took a field trip a couple weeks ago to the Creative Stitches Cafe in Monroeville, Pa. I purchased the fabric there. Nice selection of fabrics, helpful staff and a great restaurant next door made for a nice day out for the Ladies.
- That's all for now. Are you trying the 15 minutes a day challenge? How is it working for you?