Example number one. |
Would you like to guess what this is? It is our Jenny, from
The Ladies of the Cloth, enhancing her artistic skills. Dyeing fabric, this time silk and Kona Cotton, is the perfect example of an artist experimenting with different fabrics and techniques. Again, I fear my photographic skills are lacking because these fabrics are stunning!
Folding the fabric created the background lines we see in the examples. I will show the fabrics in two posts, first the cottons. |
Using cracked ice, applied to the fabric created the variations and colors. |
What a stunning presentation this would make in a pieced quilts or wall hanging. |
Like magic, the colors bleed and transform into each other. |
Example number two. |
An entirely different result. Look at the bottom center of this photo. It reminds me of a butterfly or some sort of winged insect. |
The colors in this piece, divided into squares, progress in their saturation. The bottom left of the photo shows the folded silks I will share in the next post. |
What secondary designs do you see in this piece? |
The colors fade and bleed to a blur. |