The Saturday Share: The UFO Project and The Crafty Quilter

The pre-printed list available on the All People Quilt blog to help you plan. I printed mine small so I could cut it out and paste it into my Quilt Journal.

A few days ago I mentioned a new project on All People Quilt about helping us all finish our UFO's. With assistance from Julie of The Crafty Quilter Blog (Read all about it here)  we can work on and whittle down those unfinished projects and Julie is offering incentives and give away gifts for fun!

The assignment was to make a list of 12 unfinished projects, one per month. Each month All People Quilt will choose a number for you to correlate with your list. This month they have chosen #2!

Here is my list:
  1. The Lilac Mini-Topper from the October Eleanor Burns Retreat.  I have the blocks done, one needs to be redone, the blocks need set, bordered etc. 
  2. The Machine Embroidered Blocks from the October Eleanor Burns Retreat. This will be my first one. The blocks have been embroidered by machine, I need to cut out all the stabilizer on each block, I think there are nine. I have to decide how to sash and set them, come up with a border design, a backing, quilt it and bind it. I'll whip that right up tonight. (((insert smile here)))
  3. The Ugly Duckling Runner from the October Eleanor Burns Retreat. 
    I have to be honest on this one. Don't like the colors at all. Actually, I gave most of my blocks away, just kept 4 I think to try to make it into a runner. It is really ugly to me and will most likely be a tosser.
    This is the pattern.
  4. Blue/Brown Big Block Quilt, on the design wall for MONTHS!
  5. Wool Penny Runner, was lost in a clean out, found it! Little bugger.
  6. A Block of the Month project from several years ago. Like the fabric, that's why I kept it. Big quilt.
  7. The Red Work Mini-Squares designed by Alex Anderson. Redwork done, squares are cut, need square up and sashing. Lap Quilt size.
  8. The partially pre-quilted panel kit. Years and years waiting for a finish. This is a large lap quilt.
  9. String quilt blocks, 6 done. Size unknown right now.
  10. Jelly Roll Race, may be used as a backing??? Lap sized.
  11. Half Square Triangles:  blocks are done, assembled, just needs backed and quilted. May use the Jelly Roll Race in number 10. Lap sized.
  12. English Paper Pieced Stars, current hand work project. All EEP done, half dozen stars assembled, all need appliqued to their blocks. This is a slow go project so it might not fit the criteria. My alternative will be The large applique block of the month. Blocks are done, needs sashing and cornerstones, border, backing and quilted. This is a queen sized quilt. 
  13. I may just eliminate the Ugly Duckling altogether and substitute an Applique Baltimore Album Block of the Month that has been stuffed away for about 10 years! Needs sash, corner stones, borders, backing, quilting etc. Yikes!  
