Years ago, at a Martha Pullen school, I learned how to use a fusible thread to do Madiera Applique. Jump ahead a couple years and another great innovation for the use of this thread has surfaced. I cannot believe how easy this is and how lovely the result.
Many times I balk at intricate applique by machine because the weight of a fusible backing makes the small pieces lumpy or unwieldy on small turns. This method totally solves the problem. When you watch the video you may see some elements that you would adjust. I see one. I don't like to use a Sharpie all that much. I prefer a fine lead drafting pencil, but that is just me. The tip to remove the top thread while the fabric is warm is important, I learned this at Martha's.
Anyway, take a look, see what you think. This might be a share that you can add to your repertoire.
A "New" way to Applique!