The Saturday Share: Fabric Covered Magnets from Andrea's Notebook

 DIY fabric magnets
Well, how did your Thanksgiving go? Hopefully, not too many left overs! Since this is the famous, or should I say infamous, Black Friday/Saturday weekend, I wanted to share a quick little craft that could help you use up some of those scraps. Magnets are one of those items that can have great versatility, depending on your style. Magnetic boards in the studio are fantastic for working on your mood board, your work planning or gentle reminders. For the kiddo's of any age, their own little space will stimulate their creativity as well. 

This tutorial uses button kits, available at most big box stores. Don't forget your coupons! I have a bunch of old (sort of ugly) buttons that I may substitute.

I think this would be a nice little gift for the Sewist. Magnet boards are available in many big box hardware stores, IKEA, and some home good department stores. Look around. For less than $20 you can give an item that is handmade, original and useful!

  • Have a great day, don't forget the Gorilla Glue!
  • *my little tip for covering buttons with fabric: dampen the fabric, a wet fabric stretches much better over the button and it is easier to eliminate wrinkles. Learned this years ago, cannot remember where but use it all the time.  
