Well, that's that. Our 'official' Summer of 2015 is in the books. How did that happen? It was a busy time here but not a whole lot of sewing going on I'm afraid. But on second thought I think it was a good thing, this down time. The studio is clean, sorted and ready for action. Most of my big cleaning projects are done and the garden is winding down. I have purged some cupboards and closets and that is a good feeling.
I have done a little hand stitching now and then but nothing to write home about. I have un-knitted a scarf after it was part way done, about 1/3 I think, because I lost the pattern. Then guess what? I found the pattern. Good grief. I fussed about finishing that thing for months and then finally gave up. What does that mean? My adventures in knitting leave a lot to be desired. I am almost done with the EPP blocks, photo's soon. I have even been working on the St. Patrick's Day Cross Stitch Pear. Don't even make a crack about that!
This is an interesting chart posted on Facebook by Julie Kursave. Since bloggers, artists, designers and crafters are bombarded regularly about copyright issues I thought I would put it up here for you to study. It does clear up some questions I have. I tried to enlarge the chart but it was too distorted to read, I hope you can enlarge this on your side to make it easier to read.
From Julie Kursave, on Facebook, here. |