So, What's the Deal With the Pear Project?

The Current in-progress Pear, March. Do Not Laugh! At least I found it!
In the beginning of this day I awakened after a solid two hours of sleep to stumble with my coffee to the back admire the weather. Rain. Wind. As my Fog lifted I saw these little things crawling across the carpet. Big worms she asked? Then Lucy stepped on one and I had never seen a worm rise up like that! They were baby snakes!!! 9 of them!!! Well, when you live in the woods you get used to some of this stuff but come on, even I have a critter limit and this was it. Grab a hoe, chop them up. Worked for me.
Have you every tried these Scrub Daddy things? They are wonderful!

Then I worked my way to the studio to steam press a finished Pear that had been sitting around and promptly burned my arm. A little singe, no big deal but it hurt. Is this Karma? Bad luck? No, carelessness. Those darn snakes had nothing to do with it :) That's what I think and I will not be deterred.

Miserable beasts! The bigger question right now is "Wonder where the Mama went?"
OK so what is the deal with the Pear Project?
Finished the Cone Flower Pear today. Note that the steaming process clearly reveals the Non-colorfastness of the blue and green DMC.

So glad you asked! I mentioned several posts ago that I misplaced all my Pear Project supplies a while back. I had packed them in their own happy little case and took them with me on the road in Mondo. I wasn't sure (feared) if I left them on the picnic table in Ohio or just tucked them away somewhere and the case got buried under towels, or supplies or whatever. I looked and looked again last Friday with no luck.
some dark gray flannel for the back

Then, bingo, in the middle of the night (I am brilliant in the middle of the night by the way) I had an memory. They were in the motor-home, in an obscure drawer in the bedroom.  I just keep batteries and stick up hooks and junk in there. When packing up to get on the road everything has to be safely stowed so it doesn't roll around while driving.  It was the only drawer in the bedroom I didn't search. And there it was. Sitting there proud and a little prickly because it had been neglected so long. What am I to do? I like taking a project or two on the road but I need to be consistent when stowing gear so I don't do this again. I have to say I was a bit worried. I had just outfitted the case with about 200 new skeins of DMC, new needles and several linen selections.  In conclusion, all is well, and in its proper place. I will change the way I travel from now on. Everything is going in one wheeled shopper. Lots of room, everything in its place.
The leaves on this one look like Bunny Ears! I decided to make this one puffy, Mistake. Too Late now, on the shelf you chuby, wonky little pear. 
