So Much to Share, the 2015 Quilt Show

On opening day, before we opened the doors, the crowd had gathered and were anxiously awaiting the quilts, the vendor booths and the stories as told by the Guild Members. Each year the exhibitors and members share their stories of the concept and the making of their entry. Identified by their white gloves these ladies cruise the show all day, every day, imparting their knowledge and interpreting the judges notes for the visitors.
 This little cutie wall hanging quilt is an abstract style of floral, very interesting.

Large quilts, small quilts, art quilts, landscape quilts some pieced by hand most by machine, hand quilting and machine quilting on long arms, domestics and everything in between. We keep the vital information in CD like hard plastic cases (on the left in this photo) with judges information and comments on the back. These are professionally printed, easy to read.
A mosaic of hexagons. Beautiful colors, this one is for sale. We have added some new tags this year. The 'for sale' tag is one. What I really appreciate are the tags that state the item was 'hand quilted!' There are several in the show that are perfectly hand quilted and let me tell you it is hard to tell some times. With machine quilting being the predominate method these days it is so nice to see those hard working hand quilters recognized in a special way in a show this large.
  Another inventive twist on the hexagon theme this little beauty took first place in its category. Happy little quilt isn't it?
 Another prize winner, this takes the modern theme alive and is punctuated with loads of color.
Another prize winner in its category, this quilt showcases these embroidered motifs of flower baskets with exquisite and perfect little stitches and beads.
Two stunning close ups for your pleasure.  Someone was really, really busy this Winter! There is much more, so much more! Have a great week end.
