Quilts, Quilts, Quilts

Hello, Hello. Quilters, I just have to remind anyone who hasn't seen our spot on local TV, you have to visit the Three Rivers Quilt Show at the Circuit Center, South Side Pittsburgh, right next to the Hot Metal Bridge. Listen to me, this show gets better every year. Really. Our theme this year is Hexagons and there are some amazing quilts using that theme. But a look around will just thrill you. The quality of the work, the color and composition is outstanding. We have some outstanding prize winners, as usual, but there are some fresh, new ideas around every turn. I think our total this year is 140 quilts. We have several raffle items including two quilts with hexagon themes as well as sewing machines donated by local vendors, my 'dream baskets' which are not baskets at all. (I forgot to take pics, if I get there early enough I will.) The best show in town I tell you, you will not be disappointed.     Three Rivers Quilters

This back issue is available here.
I would love to tell you that I stopped buying quilting magazines. That would be a lie. I stopped all my subscriptions, except one, but still pick up the odd one now and then when the cover calls me. A quick glimpse between the covers on this one revealed four projects that I could see in the queue.

I wanted to share this one specifically since we have been talking about Fat Quarters recently.
Published as Best Fat Quarter Quilts, Winter 2012. I suspect I bought this because I have such a collection of Fat Quarters and wanted some ideas and inspiration to use them. Well, the magazine was tucked away in a bedside table drawer. I moved the table to two different rooms before I decided to clean out the drawers and see what was lurking in the bottom. Bingo, now I have a great idea.
Designed by Jocelyn Ueng of Its Sew Emma, of Austin Texas, it is one of many shared by this designer here. There are u tube videos and free patterns on her site.

  • Quilt shows are so much work but worth it once the show is hung and you have a minute to look.
  • I saw two of the most outstanding quilts on my way out the door today, can't wait to get back there to study them. 
  • It's been a difficult year for us in so many ways, seeing this show lifted my spirits. I was starting to get worried.
  • Spring is here, well essentially. When the Forsythia blooms I know we are good to go! 
