Best in Show, to me. This quilt is color galore, pattern everywhere and dimension included. This one just spoke to me. I need to add that this venue, The Circuit Center on the Birmingham (South Side) of the city of Pittsburgh is perfect for a quilt show. The space is large, high ceilings, great light via clerestory windows. Every quilt looked wonderful under these conditions. The Guild does a wonderful job of setting each quilt in its best viewing place. |
So here is the close up of the dimensional part of the design. Just look at those flowers, and seed pods. The applique is just so sweet. This is an amateur entry I believe and that in itself makes it special, to me. I know others do not understand my viewpoint on this subject. I feel that the planners may have to consider some new issues that have developed in the quilting world. When machine quilting reared its creative head there were many nay-sayers who felt that machine quilting is essentially 'cheating.' With traditional hand quilting always having been the standard the machine quilters were breaking new ground. |
Isn't this a classic beauty? Back to the subject....now we have computer guided quilting systems that virtually take the design and sew it for you. The current question now evolving in the quilting world is this, Should computer generated quilting be judged as a separate category? I am thinking yes, it should. Since the person making the quilt, or quilting the quilt, does not do the quilting itself is it equitable to judge the perfection of computer quilting and what that entails to domestic machine quilts or hand quilted quilts? I don't know, think about it. I suspect it will become more and more of an issue int the world of juried and judged quilt shows. |
I am thrilled with any quilt that has a white background. This is a very happy quilt to me. |
Speaking of happy, check this one. Color, Irish Chains I think and circles. Holy Happy Batman...this one is gorgeous.
Summary statement for the day:
- I love quilt shows. I love our show, it is really that good.
- The quality of the entries improves every year. The bar keeps being raised to exhibit the best of the trends and the traditions as well.
- Make no mistake, this is a lot of hard work for a lot of people. My contribution is small in comparison.
- Our vendors do an outstanding job setting up their booths in a couple hours, greeting customers, doing demonstrations, offering high quality merchandise and sharing their knowledge. We have a waiting list of vendors to fill our spots. Because this is such a good show they want to be here, with us.
- At every show I have ever attended the nicest people are quilters and those involved in quilting. It warms the heart to see so many people involved in fiber arts. Keeping the movement alive is the responsibility of all. Share the knowledge, share the spirit and share your enthusiasm.
- Quilting Rocks!!!