March 21 is National Quiling Day! March 22 is the Day After National Quilting Day, Better Late than Never, Right?

National Quilting Day is here! I really didn't know there was a national day set aside to honor quilting, I have lived a sheltered life. Because I spend time quilting, or thinking about quilting, (truth be told much more thinking than doing the last two weeks) and all that. So, here are some links to
some very talented and organized and awesome people who did plan ahead...because they knew...remember I really didn't or I would have come up with something significant. Well, at least I would have tried:)
Ok, so here are some ideas to honor this auspicious day. Really. If I can warm up my sewing room I may lay down a stitch or two to mark the moment. Or I may take a nap. We will see. Have a lovely day.
Purple Daisies Quilting on Craftsy.
Kathy Tracy is having a Quilt along project on A Sentimental Quilter! (A mug rug I think)
History of National Quilting Day
*no compensation received or implied by these links to other people's work.