Pear's seem to be everywhere I look. Could that just be coincidence? I have been walking the woodlands seeking little sticks to use for stems. I am not sure if I am going to use the sticks or make felt representations. I need to be ready in case the ground is (gasp) covered with snow!
Scouring my bookshelves I found some old magazines. Mostly very 'cutesy' typical 1980's stuff. I am thinking samplers. I know I have a hard cover book specific to samplers in that shelf somewhere, I will continue the search.
I did unearth this piece:
I think it was copied from a magazine. It was a Victorian phase for me. I do not remember what my original end product was going to be. Actually I am not sure there was a plan!
I think my favorite part is this border. Simple but timeless.
*I have been computer and phone-less for three days! I felt like a lost little sheep! I'm back baby, I'm back and I am ready to print my graphs for those pears. That is when this whole technical boondoggle started I was printing out the necessary graphs and I was having problems with my router. About a month ago Comcast sent out an updated router and modem combo that I never had time to fool around with. Well, of course, in the middle of a crazy busy day I decided to do the switch. It is NEVER as easy as the (5 different) barely speaking English persons tell you when you call for tech help. In one fell swoop the phones and the internet went out. Long story short, a very nice tech man came today (the one that was to come yesterday never showed, never called, never came) fixed it all. Whew! I don't need this Christmas week.