It is no secret that my favorite Quilt related magazine is Primitive Quilts and Projects! It is also no secret that Primitive Gatherings Quilt Shop is also a favorite for wool projects. I discovered them a few years ago when they had the most outstanding booth at the Sewing Expo, in Pittsburgh. Talk about a magic combination! I subscribe to Primitive Quilts and Projects newsletter online and every month they conduct a survey that evaluates sewing/quilting/etc. and offer a giveaway related to that survey. Well, guess what? I won the November gift! It is wool! It is just what I was looking for in a Spring project.
The good news for you dear readers is that Primitive Gatherings has given me a second kit to give away to YOU, my readers! How great is that?
To enter just leave a comment on THIS post. The contest will run from now until January 15th, 12 Midnight Eastern Standard Time. If you are a no reply commenter/blogger just email your information to me privately at kczkws4@aol.com.
The wools in this kit are fantastic, no cheapie stuff here. Good luck everyone. Happy New Year!!!
Visit Primitive Quilts and Projects here.