Bloom Where You Are

We have had an odd Summer/Non-Summer in Western Pa. Now this little beauty decides to bloom. I brought it in the house from the front porch two weeks ago. Expecting to cut it back and relegate it to a basement window that gets good southern light during the summer, I got busy. I watered it and when I came home from the hospital one day there were blooms! Glorious coral blooms. It just goes to prove that just when you think you have entered a state of dormancy the right light, the right inspiration and a little water changes the dynamic that feeds the soul.  

*wait till you see my Foxglove. All summer nothing, then about 2 weeks ago a stem or two pops through the mulch then a tall spire with purple flowers, now four more spires are forming. Then another plant is now bearing leaves. Hopefully, the weather will hold so that they can fully bloom. Like I said, a Non-Summer! 
