Monday Morning Musings are really disjointed today. Please bear with me. I have been chained to my sewing machine for days and agreed, reluctantly, to get out of the house this Sunday. Here is just how all this turned out:
- Again and again I am reminded of how apoplectic I would have been as a young woman with my bra straps showing. Not just just straps but I mean straps and straps and straps. Revealed on tank tops, tube tops, sundresses, you get the idea. And be aware, there is no age discrimination here either. For a mere $5.00 this could be addressed.
- And then there are the Tats! On
the shoulders, on the neck, on the legs, on the cheeks, again, you get the idea. Some are nice, well done. Others, not so much. They look like prison tats. That's on the women. I couldn't even look at the men! Years ago I had a patient who had a heart shaped tattoo applied to her derriere as a young woman. By the time I saw her she was in her eighties and that heart looked like a dried up apple core headed south.
- It was 85 Sunday afternoon and the humidity was hanging in there too. A visit to IKEA is always an international event here. I picked up one of those three shelved wheeled carts for my sewing room so popular this year. Went to assemble and no wheels, had to go back. So we did. That place was packed with all the back to school shoppers. As we walked in I was confronted with a moving wall of people in Burka's. In this heat! I was not sure if I was in a different country or not. Those poor women must have been sweltering. The husbands were attired in golf shirts, cargo shorts and Dock-siders. Mmmmm. Oh, and Raybans can't forget those western icon's of sun wear the aviator Raybans!. Oh, so cool!
- Then on to the Chinese buffet to make happy the MIL. Behind me there were two young men who proceeded to enlighten each other on their recent conquests. Their girlfriends were blind to all this apparently. They went into painful details about this "hunting" process. I had to stop eating in the middle of the General Tso's. It was all just too much... a sensory overload. Remember, I am usually alone, with dog, sewing on a day like this.
- Then, believe this, our waitress proudly mentioned in broken English/Chinese that we would be getting the senior discount! This is the first time this has happened. I was not sure I heard her correctly. (I have a hair appointment this week, obviously I need work!)
- Then the drive home. Passing through the city on a Sunday afternoon is always interesting. First, some sort of a bicycle event. Hundreds of bikes. Criss-crossing intersections, zooming in the bike lanes...some of the tourists didn't know we had bike lanes, on the right, in traffic, yes we do. Stay alert people this has disaster written all over it! This weekend even more so with all the students and their parents loading in apartment and dorm rooms. We have four major Universities in the city proper. You can just imagine. When what to my wandering eyes should appear: A Party Bike! Sorry for the blurry picture. Yes, it is a pedal powered bar. Right down the middle of Carson Street. There is a driver, sober we hoped, in the front right by the keg. Everyone else, except for one lady in the back is pedaling furiously on those side seats to avoid getting hit by a truck. I kid you not, it is hilarious. Coming down the street facing into this vehicle all you can see are legs and pedals furiously pumping away to keep this doozie moving. And Laughing, lots of laughing moving!
I just kept thinking "what a day, I need to post this!"
I have bobbins to wind and basting to do, I need a cup of calming tea. Hopefully a party bike will not come to my door for a refill!
Eagles, Take it to the Limit, 1977