Scraps, we all have them, we all plan to use them, sometimes we do, sometimes we don't. Another one of those conversations that surface with regularity among quilters. While doing some research on another subject entirely I kept finding little posts relating to the use of scraps. The first two examples illustrate how two different quilters took their scraps (as they worked) and did a stitch and flip application to paper and built the collection of squares over time. Each of the large blocks contains 6 smaller blocks. The dimensions were likely 4 or 6 inch blocks. Not sure. But the final product rather resembles stained glass windows! I do not normally care for the blocks sashed in black on any quilt, not sure why, just don't. However, these are pleasing because of their multiple colors and the vertical/horizontal/vertical placement. Liking it. Now if I remember correctly these quilters used old telephone book pages as their backing. It was easy to remove when the time came. Also liking that. One of the quilters mentioned going to her local library and town hall to gather books. Most of us get a skimpy little book now and that may be a good idea if you are going to do something like this. What do you think?  |