Yesterday's post that reminded us that Christmas Even was 6 months away tweaked my memory. This was the project that I finished for Christmas 2010. Thrilled with Redwork since childhood, I had found this pattern a couple years before at a Quilt Show. A Victorian scene, it was right in my way of thinking at the time. I forgot to hang it last year but unearthed it while cleaning yesterday. I haven't done much hand embroidery in the last year or so because I have so many other projects in the works. I even hand quilted the cross-hatch pattern. I used a fusible batting on this (would have been better to use the fusible on the backing, not on the front) and regretted it. There is a rod pocket on the back for hanging. I am gearing up and put on my thinking cap. I want to simplify the Holiday preparations this year. By working so far ahead I hope to accomplish that. My short list includes some yet to be designed "keepers" that I have been thinking about. Keeping those knitting needles and crochet hooks organized is my plan. Friends and Family need 'keepers!' So, project number one for this year will be "needle keepers." I already have a couple ideas and need to work on the samples. Thursdays are the days that I set aside to sew. Just sew. Sometimes that works out and sometimes it doesn't. It appears we have another storm bearing down. Drats! I do not plug in during storms, don't want to risk hurting the computer machines. Until that passes, I will resume the un-stitching of the Sunnyside quilting errors. Have a wonderful day, talk soon. |