Lillies, Lisa Robertson, QVC
- Hope everyone had a nice weekend. My Lillies are blooming, down by the road. The plants near the house didn't make it through the Winter. And everybody says you can't kill these things. They lied!
Quilt block flower gardens, via Facebook, source unknown.
- As soon as I finish the projects in my queue, I will plant a garden like this.
- Not having small children around leaves a knowledge gap. I just became aware of the fact that peanut butter sandwiches are not allowed in the schools anymore. I would have starved.
- In spite of a dire prognosis an old dog nearly crippled with arthritis can improve dramatically with the love and care of his people.
- I like keeping my Studio neat and clean, particularly after the June re-org series. I have resumed an old habit of working. I frequently have several elements out of their normal place while working. I used to put each item away after its use but find that I occasionally need to use it again and have to stop and get it. I cleared a small space at the end of the counter where the Bernina serger lives and just place everything in a small basket there as I use it and put it away at the end of the session. If I need to pull something out again it is right there and I don't have to stop what I am doing to retrieve it. Sounds so reasonable doesn't it? Efficient work habits are so important when your time is limited.
- I changed the name of the Sunnyside quilt to 'House Dress. ' Mr Sewtopia says it reminds him of the quilts his Grandmother used to make out of her scrap fabrics and re purposed house dresses. OK.
- I don't particularly like the quilt. I don't like the binding, will take it off and re-do it at some point. Not sure why.
- I did mange to get a few little projects done, share later.
- Tell me why the warm weather months just speed by, time wise!
- In the sense of time speeding along, I will use the month of July to start some projects, complete others and in general get a jump on the Holiday season. Lots going on here. I will set up a basic plan/outline and post tomorrow.....July1....stay tuned.
- A borrowed statement from someone else, something to think about while you work:
"Oh my God,
what if you wake up some day,
and you’re 65, or 75,
and you never got your memoir or novel written;
or you didn’t go swimming in warm pools and oceans all those years
because your thighs were jiggly and you had a nice big comfortable tummy;
or you were just so strung out on perfectionism and people-pleasing
that you forgot to have a big juicy creative life, of imagination and radical silliness
and staring off into space like when you were a kid?
It’s going to break your heart.
Don’t let this happen."
Annie Lamott