Cuddle up with a good book. I made this afghan a few years ago, the rocking chair is antique, Victorian, inherited. Surprisingly very comfortable, even with original upholstery. |
- I will not, ever, get into the Google Smart driver-less car.
- I will not need to water the garden or flowers today, or probably tomorrow by the looks of things.
- My dogs are not so keen on thunderstorms. All night, fussy, running around, up and down steps, drinking water, needing to go out, refusing to go out, then repeat.
- I used to like a nice little storm now and then, you know cuddle up with a little quilt, listen to the rain hit the panes and read. They key word there is 'used to.'
- We pass a certain Asian restaurant on our goings here and there. Always say, we need to go there. I pulled up photo's of menu items there. Well listen to me, a large squid, on a large plate just hanging out, like just out of the water, that is not going to happen. And things with eye's staring right into the camera. Oh no. I struggle with things with a face to begin with, these deep sea creatures deserve to stay there and I will not be party to their demise.
- My hands are finally not throbbing after a full day of quilt basting. There has to be an easier way.
Thinking of you Marion - It is blossom time here in the Sewtopian Woodlands. There are red eyes and lots of sneezing. My patio looks like it has snowed over night with the storms and the white blossoms everywhere. Snow, a swear word here.
- Mad Men will not wrap until next year. Talk about dragging things out.
I will make some Dill Bread today, recipe here on Kitchen Chronicles. - Downton Abbey may also be on hiatus but some of the costumes have made it across the pond to Winterthur Museum. Check out this post for some outstanding photo's. Just follow the link........The post and the outstanding costume pics.
Taken right from their website, I did not make this up. They think that little bunch of parsley improves the look. I beg to differ! |