Passing Another Milestone in Life!

Well, let me just say that this Milestone thing has its pro's and con's. The pro, I got a 20% Senior Citizen Discount at Joann's in honor of Senior Citizens Discount Day. The con, they didn't even want ID for the proof of age! I even asked the lovely, perky young cashier. She smiled and said "it's not really necessary." Uh huh.  Trust me Tootsie, I will be layering on that anti wrinkle cream tonight. The nerve of her, being so nice and all!

David Austin English Rose, the bloom is most certainly off my Rose!!!

I decided that I was not inclined to piece a fancy backing for the Sunnyside quilt. I have a plan for the scraps already and really, the user will never want the backside up. So lets just get back to basics and stick with a simple white-on-white backing and be done with it. Works for me.

I haven't used a Warm and Natural Batting for a while and I have not used it while quilting on the Handi-quilter. That might be interesting. You never know about battings with certain machines. They sputter sometimes and make nests on the back side. We will see about this one. Ready to go. I just recently viewed some pretty, pretty pictures of happy, bright, well organized and perfect sewing rooms. Egad, I have a way to go on that score. I try to keep it clean, to be organized and still be functional but when the sewing/artistic juices get to flowing, look out Lucy the thread goes flying. There is no help for me................... 
 Handiquilter Sweet 16

On to the basting now, using my favorite method, what I refer to as 'Board Basting' and a dear friend refers to the 'Slats.' Either way, it works very well for me.   Remember these? Left over baseboard from a bathroom remodel project.  Mattress stitch basting on the right using Knit-Cro-Sheen number 10.

I recently became aware of a wonderful resource for quilters or those just interested in quilt history. Just click on the link to explore this amazing site. Make sure you are prepared with a cup of tea or coffee and set aside some You time. There is much there to see.  Their intro written below.

About quiltalliance ( here)

The Quilt Alliance is a nonprofit 501c3 organization established in 1993 whose mission is to document, preserve, and share our International quilt heritage by collecting the rich stories that historic and contemporary quilts, and their makers, tell about our nation's diverse peoples and their communities. In support of this mission, the Alliance brings together quilt makers and designers, the quilt industry, quilt scholars and teachers, and quilt collectors to further the following goals: To promote the understanding of the quilt as an important grassroots art form. To make information about quilts available to a broad public. To educate the public about the importance of documenting quilts and quiltmakers so that their stories will not be lost.
