A Fine Friday- Stringing Along, All Over the World!

Made from the left-over scraps and blocks from my first String Quilt made in the 1990's.

I made this from left overs, this is the back of the table runner.

String Quilt
Jeanneke's String Quilt
I think the few string quilts I have made are very much my favorites. Clearly,  I have much company on that score! My first one came to life in the early '90's long before the current craze gained momentum. After yesterday's post my dear friend, Jeanneke, from the Netherlands,  (Dezondagssteek) sent this photo to me of her recent String Quilt. I love the color and the dark (black I think) elements make all the colors jump right out at you. In addition seeing only the black binding as a frame is just Wow to me. I am collecting more strips, all sizes, to someday come up with an eclectic mix like this.  In addition she shared a new-to-me blog that specializes in the sharing of the String quilts. When I clicked on the link.... here ...I was thrilled to see such beautiful and varied interpretations of the  String Quilt. I found some unfinished blocks when cleaning seldom accessed storage drawers from the first quilt in the '90's. I decided to do something with them and this table runner was the result.

And of course, Bonnie Hunter is working on strings with friends too.  Check out what she is doing with strings. 

Until next time, happy stitching!
This number is the key to a landmark of sorts, more on that soon. I have decisions to make.   (43)

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