New Pattern Parade: This Quilting Block Will Put Wind in Your Sails!

 link, Moda, FAt Quarter Shop
 Isn't this one of the cutest blocks ever? It might look a little complicated, but it is not at all. Moda and the Fat Quarter Shop have offered The design and pattern with directions and video and is available for free. I saw this a few weeks ago and loved it. Wanted to share. I do plan on making this one with some of the new modern fabrics. I am thinking I might use some of the new Kate Spain fabrics, remember this collection? Oh yes. I do need to look at some solid fabrics though. In that department I am limited.

Kate Spain, Sunnyside

Here is the link.

  • I have more plans in my head that I can count, hope I can at least get to one!
  • Home from the hospital, Husband is wrapped in quilts, sleeping. Some new made by me, some vintage made by his Grandmother.  Quilts see us through many journeys young to old, sick to well. Quilts define our lives even though we may not see it at first. 
  • As usual, no compensation received or implied by Moda, Kate Spain or Fat Quarter Shop 
  • Have a wonderful, creative weekend.


Jeanneke said…
Wow, that's the pattern of my 'Retteketet' Quilt.
I'll send you a picture by e-mail of the finished quilt.
It is an awesome pattern, indeed.
