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Monday Morning Musings, So Many Questions
- do wood-peckers get headaches?
- Is Fred Thompson really still hawking reverse mortgages?
- Has working with wool fabrics changed my entire fabric sensibility?
- Has losing the Google Reader even bothered anyone?
- Why am I increasingly impatient with comment verification used on some blogs?
- Will the exposed bra strap trend ever run its course?
- Will someone clearly decide once and for all if coffee is good for you or not?
- What subliminal effects cause me to want to buy more quilt fabric every time I enter a quilt shop?
- Why has maturity ( a loosely understood concept here) changed my views from mostly black and white to almost entirely gray? (and no, I have never read any of the Shades of Gray novels!)
- Just how much squash can one person eat before they become long, yellow or green and bumpy?
