A Bridge and some Yarn!

 I interupt this blogging break to share these photo's forwarded to me friend Susan. A big event  here!

30 Amazing Photos of the Warhol Bridge Yarn Bombing Project turning the Bridge into an epic art installation.

yarn bombing
Photos by Deborah Hosking
The world was awestruck on Monday as photos of the largest yarn bombing in history spread on Twitter and Instagram. The Andy Warhol Bridge was covered in more than 3,000 feet of colorful, hand-knit blankets in honor of the late pop artist’s 85th birthday.

What most people didn’t see was the hard work of hundreds of Pittsburghers that made the public art installation possible. Below are 30 incredible photos of the construction by photographer Deborah Hosking.


Photo by A


kellyt64 said…
I bet that was a work of love. COOL!