Good bye Google Reader, Hello Bloglovin

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

A few months ago, I was told that Google Reader would be no more as of July 1, 2013. I was and still am rather surprised because the Google Reader seems to have been well used and preferred. But, no more.  After the initial shock wore off, I started looking for solutions and found Bloglovin! After some previews etc. most Google bloggers seem to prefer:
I am such a fan of Bloglovin and you will be too!  If you have a few minutes today (or anytime this weekend) make sure you make the switch!  Bloglovin even has a way for you to import the blogs currently in your Google Reader into your new account!!

How exciting is that?  That means no huge time investment to just move everything over.  Totally simple, stress free and convenient.  It literally took me less than 3 minutes to do!!  So click here and start reading!  wa

In addition, I  want to thank everyone who reads, comments or emails me about my postings. This is a wonderful, generous and inspirational community. Loosing Google Reader will not change that. So, see you next week, BLOG ON!!!!
