The whole cloth quilt is now and has always been one of my favorites. One of the most perfect examples I have ever seen was displayed at the Three Rivers Quilt Guild Show. A stunning queen-sized masterpiece, this was a kit a lovely lady had in stash for years. In this show many observers remarked how few hand quilted pieces are entered each year. It is true, machine quilting, particularly long-arm quilting, has dominated the field. I will post a photo of that quilt when it becomes available. A lovely ivory whole cloth piece it was stitched in brown thread. You would be amazed. Of course, it won a big prize. In the meantime, I have a few examples that will explain the artistry and skill required for this style of quilting by hand and more recently by machine.
A beauty, this is an example that I found on Google images.
Be still my heart, the one of my favorite designs. How can you not be in love with those flowers? I think this one is machine quilted, but the dimension and the texture are absolutely charming. Early in my quilting adventures I made two crib sized whole cloth, hand quilted crib quilts. Of course I didn't take any pictures, my mistake. I have a quilting friend who makes multiple 12 inch blocks and practices her stitches, each one is nicer than the one before. While my favorite is white on white the following examples are different interpretations of the concept. 

*all photo's Google Images.
A beauty, this is an example that I found on Google images.
this example shows that any whole piece of fabric can be translated into whole-cloth quilt. |